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  • President Role Description


~ adapted from ICF GA

The President, guided by the chapter’s strategic initiatives (updated annually) aligned with ICF Global's strategic goals, sets the vision for the chapter and oversees the day-to-day operation as that vision is carried out by all Board and committee members along with member volunteers.

The President presides at all meetings of the Board and of the membership of the chapter and is the official communication channel for the chapter. The President or Treasurer shall sign instruments or documents that are lawfully executed on behalf of the chapter. The President encourages coach training and credentialing to increase the professionalism of coaching, and promotes the benefits of membership to support membership growth. In case of the absence or disability of the President, or at the President or Board's request, the President-Elect or one of the Directors may be appointed to perform some or all of the President's duties.

President speaks in public on behalf of the organization and advocates for the cause. By modeling appropriate behavior, the president sets high standards for board conduct and intervenes if conflicts of interest or confidentiality issues arise.

Key Responsibilities

  • Attend chapter events and provide official welcome and closing, when appropriate
  • Chair monthly Board meetings
  • Oversees the finances, in partnership with the treasurer
  • Initiate and design Board retreats and strategic planning sessions
  • Support all other Board Members as needed
  • Sign legal contracts for the Chapter; Signing authority with the Chapter’s bank
  • Conduct exit interviews with departing Board Members
  • Respond to questions and requests from ICF Austin Affiliates and Members and redirect when appropriate
  • Respond to inquiries from individuals and organizations interested in coaching, vendors, potential speakers, ICF Global, the media, etc.
  • Represent ICF Austin or choose representation for ICF SE regional calls, retreats and meetings
  • Represent ICF Austin or choose representation for the Global Leaders Forum annually
  • Recommend and work closely with the President-Elect/Vice-President
  • Network and cooperate with other Texas and SE Region leaders on projects
  • Support recruitment of new Board Members as needed, checking references, interviewing, etc.
  • Responsible for filing Global’s annual chapter activity report mid-summer
  • Complete applications for special funding from ICF Global or other appropriate agencies - in conjunction with Treasurer and other Board Members
  • Filling in gaps as need be to ensure smooth flowing of the organization and specific meetings
  • Keeps membership up to date with regards to local, regional and global ICF changes
  • Resolves conflicts and complaints from members or board members.
  • Optional/Growth Opportunities
  • Reach out to members to encourage engagement
  • Network with PCC and MCC coaches to encourage engagement and contribution
  • Regular monthly check-ins with all Board Members
  • Review by-laws and recommend improvements, ensures that the by-laws are being followed appropriately

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Commentary on Position

Holding a vision for the chapter and for the profession of coaching is a very important role and permeates many of the responsibilities. This also translates to looking for opportunities for the Chapter to represent coaching to the Greater Austin area and bring clarity to what Professional Coaching is and is not.

Much of this role is invisible - it is frequent communication from multiple sources. This can be time consuming with little to show for it but is all part of keeping the purposes of the chapter moving forward.

Key Challenges in this Position

  • Picking up additional responsibilities when Board Members or volunteers quit or do not follow-through
  • Some seasons bring high workloads and this can be a challenge while also running one’s own business
  • Discouragement when Board Members quit is real and staying both positive and visionary for growth requires sharing the load with other engaged Board Members
  • Estimated time commitment: 20-25 hours per month on average; up to 10 hours per week in the absence of a full board.
  • Assist with Monthly Meeting Set-Up & Clean-Up
  • Assist with Other Board Projects as Available

Apply to Serve on the Board


  • Must be an ICF Global member and Chapter member in good standing
  • Must have served on the Board for one full year in the two years prior to election
  • Have a genuine interest in the mission of the organization
  • Time and energy to commit to executing requirements of role
  • Demonstrated leadership role on the Chapter Board or another organization
  • Ability to lead and develop cohesive team behavior
  • Ability to maintain effective relationships with the community and other stakeholders
  • Willingness and ability to complete responsibilities outlined above

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