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Speed Coaching For Fun and Profit! Byron Van Arsdale

  • June 26, 2013
  • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Ballet Austin


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Speed Coaching For Fun and Profit!

The fall conference season is coming quickly. Last year we provided speed
coaching at the Texas Women's Conference and the Austin Board of Realtors
annual conference. Members of our ICF Greater Austin chapter will be tapped
first to coach at these or other events.

Our June 2013 topic is focused on developing our speed coaching skills.
Byron Van Arsdale, past president, will identify 3 keys for successful speed
coaching, give a demonstration, and then everyone will get a chance to speed
coach. We'll finish up the evening with a discussion on what we learned.

I. 3 Keys to Successful Speed Coaching

II. Speed Coaching Demo

III. Speed Coaching Practice (everyone)

IV. Debrief and Lessons Learned

Why join us for this engaging and challenging event? Speed coaching is the
skill every coach uses when giving potential clients a free coaching
session. This is the number one way to build your practice - give potential
clients an experience of your coaching!

Bring a challenge or two you are personally working on and join us for an
engaging and challenging evening of practice coaching!

Bio: cid:69654E99-3FC6- 4226-A9EB- 507A2CD9ABD2@ austin.rr. com

Byron Van Arsdale, MCC, is past president of Austin ICF (2008-2010), and
helped found the Austin ICF Chapter in 1996. He is known as the Coach's
Coach and has trained coaches across the world.

His passion is working with groups by teleclass and conference calls. As CEO
of Lead Great Meetings, he trains people to lead great virtual and
face-to-face meetings.

Byron has an extensive background in business coaching, presentations
training, and developing collaboration within teams. He developed The 6
Principle Model of Leadership based on the fact that while Information
Transfer (training) was important, it was Knowledge Transfer (application
and integration) that directly determined individual and organizational
results. IBM, Cisco, Oracle, Kaiser Permanente, the Los Angeles Community
College District, University of Texas Systems, and numerous other companies
and public sector organizations have used The 6 Principle Model of
Leadership as the foundation for leading and conducting effective virtual
meetings within their organizations.

Byron started coaching professionals and executives in 1991. He is a
graduate of Coach University and holds the Master Certified Coach
designation. From 1997 - 2005, he served on the faculty of Coach University
mentoring thousands of new and experienced coaches worldwide. An
internationally recognized speaker, he is the co-author of No More Lame
Conference Calls - The 6 Principles You Need to Lead Great Meetings and
author of six Audio CD training programs: 6 Principles of Powerful
Conference Calls, Executive Conference Call Leadership, 16 Secrets to a
Great Conference Call, 6 Principles of Learner Driven Teleclasses, 21 Ways
to Screw Up a Teleclass, and 19 Best Practices of Teleclass Leadership.

Byron is CEO of <http://www.LeadGrea tMeetings. com/> LeadGreatMeetings. com.
When he is not helping people discover and eliminate their blind spots when
leading virtual meetings, he loves to cook, garden, and golf.

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