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SRWS: May 9, 2024 - Identifying the Well-being Risks in Coaching Individual Clients and Organizations
CCE: 0.25 Core Competency / 1.25 RD
ICF Austin members: $10
Texas chapter members: $10
All others: $20
The current global approach to mental health is falling short, and traditional methods alone cannot win the war on mental health. It's time for a paradigm shift.
This live virtual webinar explores a comprehensive system for assessing well-being risks among individuals, teams, and organizations. Introducing the Wellness Improvement System® (WIS®) Assessment, a pioneering holistic methodology that seamlessly integrates interpersonal dynamics into the fabric of well-being risk analysis. This transcends conventional boundaries by harnessing a wide array of human intelligence with an innovative tool crucial for mental health and optimal performance.
Since its inception in 2006, WIS® has been instrumental in identifying potential well-being risks and devising dynamic strategies to mitigate these issues, benefiting clients worldwide. The webinar sheds light on the nine dimensions and twelve competencies of well-being and 27 psychosocial spheres assessed by WIS®.
ICF Core competencies:
About Joyce Odidison:
Joyce Odidison is a Conflict Analyst, Corporate Trainer, University Lecturer, Keynote Speaker, and Master Leadership Well-being Coach, and Thought Leader. She is the author of six books and President and CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc. Joyce has pioneered the groundbreaking WIS® Assessment and Well-being Intelligence Curriculum™ to identify and reduce well-being risks for clients and organizations. Joyce is currently the Training Director of the Wellbeing Competency Coaching Training Certification and WIS® Assessor certificate and hosts the What’s Happening at Work podcast and the annual Global Workplace Wellness Summit. She can be reached at
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