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Mastermind Demonstration and Info Session
ICF Austin Mastermind is a signature program offered only to members of ICF Austin. It is an opportunity to build community with other coaches in our chapter while also gaining amazing feedback, encouragement and support in your coaching business.
Napoleon Hill coined the concept of the Mastermind Alliance in his classic book Think and Grow Rich. He believed that a group of like-minded, achievement-oriented individuals could dramatically leverage each other’s success.
He says he learned about the Mastermind Principle from Andrew Carnegie, the richest self-made man at the time. Carnegie said that both his wealth and success were due entirely to the Master Mind Process. In essence, he is talking about the collective consciousness or the concept that “the sum of the whole is greater than its parts” or “two heads are better than one.” So how about 4, 5 or 6 heads?
Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone were all members of a Mastermind Group. This group of leaders knew they couldn’t create in a vacuum and they relied on each other for feedback, ideas and accountability. They called themselves the Wayfarers. They also controlled much of the industry in our country for many years.
You dramatically increase your chances of resolving your coaching topic as well as possibly saving yourself time, energy, money and aggravation.
You receive support, encouragement, and feedback from proactive, objective people who are invested in your success and uphold a code of confidentiality.
You increase your connection to your community of ICF coaches.
You earn 3 Core Competency CCEU's and 6 Resource Development CCEU's
This Mastermind format is focused on Professional Coach Development and provides a forum for brilliant thinking around the topic(s) each coach brings to the Mastermind process. Potential topics include but are not limited to:
management issues—keeping track of coaching hours, taking notes during the coaching session, preparing for coaching calls, etc.
professional development—evaluating my coaching effectiveness, maintaining a focus on my learning goals, etc.
interaction with clients—dealing with a client who does not take action/seems stuck, or talks a lot, or who is consistently late for sessions, etc.
building my coaching business —develop business plan, decide how to target potential client groups, develop referral sources, etc.
business marketing—web site support, social media, branding, etc.
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