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  • How to Help Your Client Find Inner Strength With The "Who Am I Story"

How to Help Your Client Find Inner Strength With The "Who Am I Story"

  • November 12, 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Zoom


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Southeast Region Webinar Series | Host Chapter: ICF Gulf Coast

How to Help Your Client Find Inner Strength With The "Who Am I Story"

1.0 Core Competency and 0.25 Resource Development CCE

Some of the current approaches to storytelling suggests templates, arcs, and other frameworks that may be technically accurate but only distract clients from diving deep. How can you support your clients through the emotional process of discovering meaningful stories that remind them of their integrity, ground them in their best self and help them find a stable “center” to weather these unprecedented levels of uncertainty? Learn a simple process for finding “who I am” stories with clients. The session will include a live demonstration so you can witness the process as Annette Simmons coaches a volunteer to find their own new story. You will learn more about several critical elements for coaching through storytelling:

  • Creating a safe place
  • Four buckets full of stories
  • The power of showing faith in both client and process
  • Eliciting sensory information to keep it experiential
  • Responding with heartfelt appreciations.


    Annette Simmons is a writer, trainer and consultant. She is the author of four books: The Story Factor (Basic Books, 3rd ed 2019) named as one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time (Penguin, 2009), Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins (AMACOM, 2008), A Safe Place for Dangerous Truth (AMACOM, 1998), and Territorial Games: Understanding and Ending Turf Wars at Work (AMACOM, 1997).

    In the beginning Annette facilitated dialogue and delivered training that helped work groups overcome turf wars. In 1998, an original course on storytelling for leadership proved so successful it led to two new books about storytelling as a communication tool. Annette continues to provide leadership training, keynote speeches, and onsite training on all the subjects covered in her books.


    • Thursday, November 12, 2020
    • 12:00pm–1:30pm, CST (US and Canada) 
    • Cost: $10 for Global Members / $20 for Local Members and Guests
    • After you register here, you'll receive a link to register for the Zoom call.


    Please note this is a Zoom webinar and there are two steps to register.

    Step 1:  Pay your registration fees by registering through this site.

    Step 2: After you've paid your registration fees, you'll be sent an email that'll give you access to register for the Zoom Call. You have to register for the Zoom call to gain access to the webinar.

    Continued Coaching Education Units (CCEUs)

    1.0 Core Competency and .25 Resource Development CCEUs will be offered for this webinar. Please make sure you list your ICF Chapter so you can get your CCEU. 

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