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International Coaching Week Event ICF Austin is partnering with inviteCHANGE for this event.
Voice Dialogue for Coaches will give you insight into a process that is a perfect vehicle for those who are tired of the status quo. It supports change that is organic, effective and lasting. The benefit of this process is the enhancement and deepening of previous insights and shifts.
The dialogue process leads to exploration of thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and feelings that impact and express in the body and through behaviors. Unexamined patterns create prisons. Voice Dialogue generates awareness of these patterns that releases brakes and enables empowering new actions in all aspects of life.
The power of Voice Dialogue comes from its respectful, honoring and non-judgmental interview process which reveals inner chatter, making it available for curious scrutiny.
Learning Objectives:
Understand a new method to evoke awareness for the patterns and beliefs that block clients’ forward progress and change.
Explore how to actively listen for and use body sensations and emotions as an awareness-building approach with clients
Learn about the client situations that this method is best suited for and how to create safety for use in coaching sessions.
Please note: This webinar is in partnership with inviteCHANGE.
inviteCHANGE, together with ICF chapters and members across the globe, is seizing the opportunity of International Coaching Week to educate the world on what professional coaching is and how coaches create empowering impact.
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