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The Process of Highly Effective Coaching: An Evidence-Based Framework
We are excited to be offering a webinar in April 2017, in addition to our usual monthly meeting at Riverbend Church.
In this 90-minute webinar, Dr. Hicks introduces his “Foursquare Coaching Framework.” This framework provides a cognitive structure (mental map) for navigating the landscape of a coaching conversation. It allows the coach to know, moment-by-moment, where the conversation is within that landscape so as to make informed choices as to the inquiries, tools, and techniques that will best move the client toward their desired outcomes.
The webinar is based on Dr. Hicks’ newly released book, The Process of Highly Effective Coaching (2017). This book “offers a unique blend of theory and practical methods for conducting effective coaching conversations. It provides an umbrella under which all of the major conceptual models for helping people change can not only coexist but work together. In addition to using this integrative approach, The Process of Highly Effective Coaching presents a framework for conducting coaching conversations and for relating the coaching process to the coaching competencies defined by the International Coach Federation, the largest coach-credentialing organization in the world.”
Robert F. Hicks, Ph.D., is Clinical Professor of Organizational Behavior at the University of Texas at Dallas. He is the founding director of the Organizational Behavior and Executive Coaching program in the Naveen Jindal School of Management. Accredited by the International Coach Federation, this program provides certification at the graduate level for individuals who wish to coach professionally as an external or internal coach. Dr. Hicks is a licensed Psychologist with a background in both clinical and organizational psychology and holds an appointment as Faculty Associate in the Department of Psychiatry at UT Southwestern Medical Center. He also directs a specialized master’s program in leadership. He has over three decades of experience as a consulting psychologist and executive coach to many fortune 500 companies and major health care systems.
Whether a coach or not, everyone is welcome to attend this webinar for free.
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